Saturday, 19 January 2013

Help me title this art piece !!!!!!

Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, especially those with snow !
Living in North Cornwall, we still have not had a single flake.  My son is constantly watching the weather and looking out the window.  He's hoping to get some, he thinks if he believes hard enough it will happen.  I will let you know if we do.
Anyway, I need some help in naming my new textile piece.

Add your comments for any suggestions.



  1. I just popped over from Mess, Muddle and Fun via a blog party called Grow Your Blog. Carolyn was showing some of your fiber beads in one of her posts and I was intrigued so here I am! Wow am I happy I decided to pop over here... I am your newest follower and can't wait to come back over and really have a proper browse around!
    Beth P

  2. Hi Sam, I forgot to leave a name suggestion for your new textile piece... um, amber flowers?
    I'll keep thinking...
    Beth P
